2025 In-Lamb Sale of Lonk Sheep

On Saturday 8th February, Clitheroe Auction Mart hosted their annual in-lamb Sale of Rare Breed Sheep.

The Show was judged by Will Beattie, and the results were as follows:

Class 1: Geld Gimmer Hogg

1st: Lot 17 from CR Mitchell, Holmfirth

2nd: Lot 16 from CR Mitchell, Holmfirth

3rd: Lot 15 from CR Mitchell, Holmfirth

Class 2: In-Lamb Shearling

1st: Lot 23 from K & S Kempson, Waterfoot

2nd: Lot 22 from T Whitwell & Son Ltd, Pendleton

3rd: Lot 24 from K & S Kempson, Waterfoot

Class 3: In-Lamb Ewe, 2-Shear and Above

1st: Lot 20 from T Whitwell & Son Ltd, Pendleton

2nd: Lot 21 from T Whitwell & Son Ltd, Pendleton

The Sale kicked off at 11am with a good turnout of new and regular buyers present.
There was a strong trade throughout the day at the annual rare breed in-lamb female sale at Clitheroe Auction Mart.
Gimmer Hoggs sold to 315gns from Clive Mitchell selling to Courtney Riley.
A shearling carrying twins from John and Craig Kempson sold to Mr Pepper for 480gns.
This year’s Champion went to the Whitwell brothers, an aged ewe carrying twins which sold to the judge William Beattie for 380gns.
We would like to wish the best of luck to all buyers, and here’s to a healthy successful lambing.
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